Related Skills
- Critical Thinker
- Argumentative
- Research and investigative skills
- Strong oral and written skills
- Organizational skills
Career Industry Liaison
Megan Ruffin
(309) 438-2200
223 Bone Student Center
Internship Coordinator
Being Successful in the Field
- An undergraduate degree qualifies one for entry-level positions in business, nonprofit organizations, and government.
- Graduate and/or professional studies usually lead to careers in law, medicine, ministry, finance, psychology, counseling, diplomacy, ethics, and related areas.
- Ph.D. is required for college/university teaching and research.
- Concentrations with other areas can include mathematics, religion, science, history, women's studies, Eastern philosophy, and medical or business ethics.
- Develop aptitudes for analytical thinking, logic, and statistics in order to apply philosophy to a broad range of professions such as law, government, finance, management, consulting, and related areas.
- Join related student or professional organizations.
- Seek related summer or part-time work experience or internships in area(s) of interest.
- Take computer courses to increase employment opportunities.
Related Fields
Social/Community Services
- Research
- Fund Raising
- Counseling
- Volunteer Coordination
- Grant Writing
- Administration
- Nonprofit organizations
- Social service organizations
- Public interest research groups
- Museums
- Mental health agencies
- Develop excellent verbal and written communication skills.
- Gain related work experience.
- Volunteer in relevant organizations.
- Obtain master's degree in socialwork or counseling as well as applicable state licensure for therapy positions.
- Become familiar with grant writing techniques.
- Clergy
- Administration
- Missions
- Local churches or synagogues
- District, regional, national, and world denominational headquarters
- Religiously affiliated schools, colleges, and universities
- Local, national, and international mission fields
- Religious organizations
- Obtain appropriate seminary training for clergy positions.
- Become certifiedthrough a denomination for specialized staff positions.
- Gain related experience through volunteering with local churches or religious organizations.
- Develop applicable foreign language skills for international mission work.
- Seek leadership positions in campus religious organizations.
- Complete an internship or summer position with a religious camp or missionary organization.
- Teaching
- Research
- Administration
- Student Affairs
- Colleges and universities
- Adult education programs
- Vocational-technical educational programs
- Professional or graduate schools including Medical
- Obtain a doctorate degree for opportunities in teaching and/or research.
- Develop one or more concentrations, such as mathematics, medical or business ethics, science, or religion.
- Gain related experience through internships, volunteering,or part-time employment.
- Earn a master's degree in a specialized area (e.g.,Library and Information Sciences, College Student Personnel, or Counseling).
- Seek campus leadership positions such as peer mentor or resident assistant.
- Public Policy
- Research
- Regional Planning
- City Management
- Intelligence
- Foreign Service
- Law Enforcement
- Legislative, Executive, or Judicial Services
- Program Administration
- Elected or Appointed Leadership
- Campaign Management
- Staff Administration
- Special Interest Advocacy
- Federal, state, and local government
- Commission on Civil Rights
- Consumer Product Safety Commission
- Department of Energy
- Federal Communications Commission
- Foreign Service
- Federal Municipal Archives
- National and State Endowments for the Humanities
- Legislative, executive, or judicial officials
- Political action committees
- Special interest groups
- Political parties
- Campaigns (national, state, or local)
- Become familiar with federal, state, and local job application processes.
- Supplementcurriculum with courses in political science, public administration, or business.
- Complete an internship in government or related area.
- Serve in model United Nations.
- Become involved in student government.
- Participate in cultural groups and organizations.
- Write for campus publications focused on national and international affairs.
- Develop skills in computers, statistics, and data analysis.
- Acquire foreign language competency and travel experience for international positions.
- Earn a graduate degree in political science or public administration for advancement.
- Volunteer with the staff of a government official. Participate in local or national campaigns.
- Medical
- Environmental
- Research
- Hospitals
- Medical and professional schools
- Colleges and universities
- Consulting services
- Research organizations
- Health science funding agencies
- Environmental agencies
- Obtain Ph.D. for most positions.
- Participate in related professional organizations.
- Join debate groups.
- Develop excellent research skills.
- Hone verbal and written communication skills.
- Law firms
- Corporations
- Federal, state, and local government
- Private practice
- Special interest groups
- Universities
- Obtain law degree.
- Develop excellent research and writing skills.
- Participatein debate or mock trial.
- Maintain a high grade point average.
- Gain experience through part-time employment or internships in legal settings.
Technical Writing
Public Relations
Publishing companies
Magazine and newspaper companies
Professional and trade associations
Advertising agencies and departments
Electronic media organizations
- Serve on college newspaper staff.
- Develop excellent writing and desktop publishingskills.
- Take courses in journalism, advertising, public relations, or English.
- Gain related experience.
- Become a student member of a related professional group.
- Management
- Sales
- Human Resources
- Market Research
- Finance
- Insurance
- Business firms
- Insurance companies
- Banks
- Retail stores
- Marketing research departments or organizations
- Real estate companies
- Minor in business.
- Gain related experience through internships or part-time jobs.
- Obtain leadership role(s) in campus organization(s).
- Develop computer skills in word processing, database management, and spreadsheet programs.
Other Professions
- Banker
- Community Service Agency Worker
- Congressional Staff Member
- Consulting
- Consumer Advocate
- Foreign Service
- Fund Raiser
- Indexer
- Lawyer]
- Lobbyist
- Non Governmental Worker – UN, ENICEF, FAO, UNHCR, Red Cross etc
- Politician
- Professor
- Reporter
- Sales Representative
- State and Local Government Official
- Writer